Calendar and Resources, GREAT Insights, Volume 2, Issue 1 (January 2013)

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    14-16 ACP-EU JPA - Regional Meeting (Caribbean)
    (TBC) EAC-EU Senior Officials meeting, Mombasa, Kenya
    (TBC) PACP Trade Officials meeting
    (TBC) West Africa regional consultations on EPA
    (TBC) SADC EPA Working Group on Market Access


     (TBC) Pacifc EPA Joint Technical Working Group
    11-16 EU-SADC Technical Working Group on Market Access and Senior Officials


    The Road to the 2014 Summit: Challenges for Africa-EU Relations in 2013
    James Mackie, Anna Rosengren, Quentin de Roquefeuil and Nicola Tissi, Policy and Management Insights 4, December 2012

    EU Budget Consensus at the Expense of Development - State of Play and Options in Front of Negotiators (revised version)
    Laura Mayer and Andrew Sherriff, ECDPM Briefing Note 46 (revised version), December 2012

    The AU Joint Ministerial of Agriculture and Trade: Preparations and key messages
    Francesco Rampa, ECDPM Briefing Note 45, November 2012

    Gearing up for the 2013 EEAS Review: Opportunities, challenges, and possible approaches
    Florian Krätke and Andrew Sherriff, ECDPM Briefing Note 44, November 2012

    Focusing on what matters in Aid-for-Trade: Increasing effectiveness and delivering results
    Yurendra Basnett and Jakob Engel, ODI Briefing Paper 79, January 2013

    Inequality of Opportunity, Income Inequality and Economic Mobility – Some International Comparisons
    Paulo Brunori, Francisco H.G. Ferreira and Vito Peragine, World Bank Working Paper 6304, January 2013 

    Piecing it together: Post-conflict survey in Africa of Networked, Multilevel Governance
    David K. Leonard, IDS Bulletin 44.1, January 2013 

    Localizing Development: Does Participation Work? 
    Chazala Mansuri and Vijayendra Rao, World Bank Policy Research Report, January 2013 

    Financial Sector Development in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges
    Thorsten Beck and Samuel Munzele Maimbo (eds.), The World Bank, January 2013 

    Putting inequality on the map
    Sara Murawski, The Broker, December 2012 

    The EU and Peacebuilding
    Marco Overhaus and Mateja Peter, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, December 2012

    Engagement with Non-State Actors in Fragile States: Narrowing Definitions, Broadening Scope
    Rosan Smiths and Deborah Wright, Clingendael, December 2012

    Fragile state futures: Nine case studies from around the world
    Clingendael, December 2012 

    The Future of Foreign Aid: Development Cooperation and the New Geography of Global Poverty
    Andy Summer and Richard Mallet, Palgrave Pivot, December 2012 

    Ending Poverty in our Generation: Save the Children’s vision for a post-2015 framework
    Save the Children, December 2012 

    A comprehensive regional industrial policy for SADC
    Harry Zarenda, Tralac Working Paper No. S12WP10, December 2012 

    Small producer agency in the globalised market: making choices in a changing world
    Bill Vorley, Ethel Del Pozo-Vergnes and Anna Barnett, IIED and Hivos, November 2012 

    This article was published in Great Insights Volume 2, Issue 1 (January 2013)


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