Calendar and Resources, GREAT Insights, Volume 1, Issue 1 (January-February 2012)

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    3 Council of the EU - ACP Working Party meeting (notably discussing the EC’s Trade, growth and development Communication), Brussels, Belgium

    6-10 West Africa-EU joint meeting on Rules of Origin, Brussels, Belgium

    13-17 West Africa-EU joint EPA technical and senior officials’ meeting, Brussels, Belgium

    20-24 Regional Meeting of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, Lusaka, Zambia

    20-27 Central Africa-EU joint technical EPA meeting, Brussels, Belgium

    27-29 EPA Updates in the Pacific region, Nadi, Fiji

    27/02-02/03 SADC-EU joint technical and senior officials’ meeting on EPA, SADC region (venue TBC)

    TBC EAC-EU experts intersession meetings on Rules of Origin; as well as Dispute Settlement, Institutional Arrangements and Final Provisions in the context of EPA, Mombasa, Kenya

    TBC Meeting of the Regional Preparatory Task Force in the context of the West Africa-EU EPA (RPTF) – (venue TBC)


    19-22 27th Session of the ACP Parliamentary Assembly and Intersessional meetings of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, Brussels, Belgium

    TBC EAC-EU EPA joint technical officials negotiations (venue TBC)

    TBC ESA-EU joint technical and Senior Officials’ meeting on EPA (venue TBC)

    TBC Pacific-EU technical negotiations on EPA (venue TBC)


    EU development cooperation after the Lisbon Treaty: People, institutions and global trends
    Jeske van Seters and Henrike Klavert, ECDPM Discussion Paper 123, December 2011 

    Synthesis paper on boosting intra-african trade and fast tracking the continental free trade area
    African Union, January 2012

    Trade, growth and development Tailoring trade and investment policy for those countries most in need
    Communication from the commission to the European Parliament, The Council and the European Economic and social Committee

    Industrial Development Report 2011: Industrial energy efficiency for sustainable wealth creation: Capturing environmental, economic and social dividends
    UNIDO, December 2011

    A Chinese Perspective on South Africa as an Emerging Power: Global, Regional and Bilateral Implications
    Niu Haibin, CCS Discussion Paper, February 2011

    Growth and Productivity in Agriculture and Agribusiness
    World Bank, February 2011

    The third wave of globalisation, Alex Glennie, Will Straw
    Institute for Public Policy Research, January 2011

    A Financial Transactions Tax: Inefficient or Needed Systemic Reform?
    Ross P. Buckley, Gill North, UNSW Law Research Paper No. 53, December 2011

    Agricultural Innovation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences from Multiple-Stakeholder Approaches
    AA Adekunle et al., Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, 2012, January 2012

    Landlocked or policy locked? How services trade protection deepens economic isolation
    Ingo Borchert et al. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5942, February 2012

    What has happened to the protection of rights in SADC?
    Gerard Erasmus, TRALAC Trade Brief, January 2012

    Trade at a glance: the BRICS and Japan’s engagement with Africa
    Taku Fundira, TRALAC Trade Brief, January 2012

    New Structural Economics: A Framework for Rethinking Development and Policy
    Justin Yifu Lin, The World bank

    Accelerating Growth through Improved Intra-African Trade
    Brookings Institute, January 2012

    Understanding China’s strategy in Africa
    China in Africa Project, SAIIA, December 2011

    Human rights based approaches to development: concepts, evidence, and policy
    Varun Gauri, Siri Gloppen, Wold Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5938, Januray 2012

    A guide to public financial management literature for practitioners in developing countries
    Rebecca Simson et al., ODI Toolkits, December 2011

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