
05 March 2024 10:0011:30

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Harmonising governance advocacy across Africa: A coordinated strategy for multi-level impact

On 5 March 2024 from 10:00-11:30 (CET), ECDPM and the wider Charter Project Africa will hold a webinar on National, regional and continental advocacy on governance in Africa: A combined approach for multi-level impact.  The webinar will focus on frameworks and practices for multi-level engagement with states, RECs and AU institutions on governance promotion and lessons for ACDEG promotion. 

The webinar will address the following questions: 

  • What is the relationship and division of labour between the African Union, regional communities and member states for ensuring governance implementation?
  • How can civil society organisations engage individually and collectively: i) domestically, ii) regionally, or iii) continentally, on governance promotion to ensure multi-level impact and effective advocacy? What role can civic tech play in this regard?
  • Are there any lessons from governance advocacy that may be applied in the promotion and monitoring of the ACDEG?


Brief presentation on ACDEG advocacy:
Nneka Okechukwu, Inclusive Governance and Accountability, ECDPM

Knowledge- and experience-sharing on governance advocacy:
Caroline Giata, Mzalendo Trust [on targeting citizens and parliament] (TBC)
Papa Massamba Ndiaye, Debat Jeunesse Senegal (confirmed)
Désiré Assogbavi, the ONE Campaign
Andrew Songa, European Partnership on Democracy (TBC) 

Q&A session:
The webinar will be conducted in an interactive manner, allowing for questions by participants. Discussion moderated by ECDPM.

Wrap-up and closing based on Charter Project research
Nneka Okechukwu, Inclusive Governance and Accountability, ECDPM

The Charter Project Africa is a pan-African project focused on the commitments contained in the ACDEG, which promotes the usage of civic technology to amplify citizen voices and opens spaces of collaboration between citizens, civic initiatives and African Union policy makers, at national, regional and continental levels with an emphasis on digital formats. It receives funding from the European Union. 

ECDPM staff involved