Media mentions 2022
In 2022, interviews and articles on our work appeared in African Newspage, Al Jazeera, Deutsche Welle, Devex, EUobserver, Financial Times, France24, Radio France Internationale, The Africa Report, The Conversation and The Economist – among others.
The AfCFTA: Will things be different this time?
African Business, 9 December. Op-ed by ECDPM's Bruce Byiers.
Ryssland knyter tätare band med Afrika
Sveriges Radio, 8 December. Quotes ECDPM's Philomena Apiko.
Rising tide of immigration to Europe pushing continent's politics to the right, experts say
Yahoo News, 19 November. Quotes ECDPM's Anna Knoll.
Øget pres på vand skaber splid, men løsningerne kan være lige så slemme
Globalnyt, 15 November. Quotes ECDPM's Sophie Desmidt and Cecilia D’Alessendro.
Vuelve el hambre: "Son muchas crisis en una, un cóctel realmente explosivo"
El Mundo, 14 November. Quotes ECDPM's Francesco Rampa.
COP27: Time to implement, time to pay for climate change
EURACTIV, 10 November. Interview with ECDPM's Hanne Knaepen.
Wamkele Mene and AfCFTA Roulette
LSE, 9 November. Op-ed by ECDPM's Bruce Byiers and Poorva Karkare.
La COP27 : quelle crédibilité pour les pays riches ?
Medi1 Radio, 2 November. Interview with ECDPM's Alfonso Medinilla.
Kenya’s Potential For Sustainable Textiles
REVOLVE, 23 October. Op-ed by ECDPM's Nadia Ashraf and Jeske van Seters.
Wamkele Mene and the AfCFTA roulette
The Pan African Review, 21 October. Op-ed by ECDPM's Bruce Byiers and Poorva Karkare.
Nigeria’s trade policies on rice and pharmaceuticals highlight the country’s over-reliance on import substitution
LSE, 12 October. Op-ed by ECDPM's Poorva Karkare with Michael Odijie.
EU funding top up fails to impress aid campaigners
Devex, 6 October. Quotes ECDPM's San Bilal.
Wie Russland die EU-Afrikapolitik prägt
welt-sichten, 4 October. Quotes ECDPM's Alexei Jones.
Fintech is changing the way we pay and support our migrant workers – and it’s about time
Tech Funding News, 23 September. Reference to ECDPM's paper by Pamella Ahairwe and Amanda Bisong.
Analysis: Tough talks ahead as world prepares for COP27
ENDS Europe, 11 September. Quotes ECDPM's Hanne Knaepen.
EU vill motverka ryskt inflytande i Afrika
Nyhetssajten Europaportalen, 1 September. Quotes ECDPM's Kathleen van Hove.
Is clean energy the silver lining of these clouds?
The New European, 25 August. Quotes ECDPM's Alfonso Medinilla.
Google Wallet launches in SA amid booming digital payments usage in Africa
The North Africa Post, 25 August. Reference to ECDPM's paper by Ennatu Domingo and Chloe Teevan.
Free movement in West Africa: the culture of mobility still matters despite challenges
The Conversation, 24 August. Op-ed by ECDPM's Amanda Bisong.
OCP leads from the front at EU-Africa Business Summit with decarbonisation and soil preservation – crucial in agricultural transition
African Business, 19 July. Quotes ECDPM's Alfonso Medinilla.
Von Mali nach Niger?
welt-sichten, 19 July. Quotes ECDPM's Volker Hauck.
Green Deal muss Priorität behalten
welt-sichten, 22 June. Reference to ECDPM's paper by Alfonso Medinilla, Koen Dekeyser and Karim Karaki.
Nigeria’s industrialisation needs more than just import restrictions
The Africa Report, 31 May. Op-ed by ECDPM's Poorva Karake and Michael E Odijie.
Shining a light on Nigeria-South Africa economic ties
Businessday, 20 April. Reference to ECDPM’s discussion paper.
EU nutzt Entwicklungshilfe in Afrika als Druckmittel gegen Migration
Deutsche Welle, 13 April. Quote by ECDPM’s Anna Knoll
EU uses development aid to strongarm Africa on migration
Deutsche Welle, 13 April. Quote by ECDPM’s Anna Knoll
Path to a just transition in Africa is via green industrialisation
EUobserver magazine, 12 April. Article by ECDPM’s Alfonso Medinilla
Congolese react to East African Community (EAC) membership
NewsAfrica, 11 April. Quotes ECDPM’s Bruce Byiers and Poorva Karkare
EU urged to grow more wheat to avert food crisis
Euobserver, 7 April. Quotes ECDPM’s Koen Dekeyser
EU commissioner says Russia using hunger as a weapon in Ukraine
Devex, 24 March. Quotes ECDPM’s Hanne Knaepen.
Free movement key to trade within Africa
China Daily, 24 March. Quotes ECDPM’s Philomena Apiko.
Its high-time to reexamine the AU’s role in member states’ affairs
African Newspage, 21 March. Interview with ECDPM’s Lidet Tadesse.
AU-EU Summit: five ways to turn the rhetoric of an ‘equal partnership’ into practice
The Conversation, 3 March. Reference to ECDPM’s editorial by Philomena Apiko.
Talk Africa: EU-AU reset ties
China Global TV, 28 February. Interview with ECDPM’s Geert Laporte
France tries to ‘reboot’ relations with Africa
NewAge, 24 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Lidet Tadesse.
Sommet UE-Afrique : Quelles perspectives annoncées ?
Ici Beyrouth, 22 February. Interview with ECDPM’s Geert Laporte.
Sahel : l’après-Barkhane, un crash-test pour l’Europe
L’express, 22 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Volker Hauck.
Quelle forme doit prendre le nouveau partenariat Europe-Afrique?
Radio France Internationale, 18 February. Interview with ECDPM’s San Bilal.
Sommet UE-Afrique : vers un nouveau partenariat ? (partie 1 et 2)
France24, 18 February. Interview with ECDPM’s Geert Laporte.
Sommet UE-UA: des annonces qui doivent se traduire par des actions concrètes
Radio France Internationale, 18 February. Podcast with ECDPM’s Geert Laporte.
La Unión Europea y la Unión Africana estrechan sus lazos
Escenario Mundial, 18 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Lidet Tadesse.
Los beneficios de BAT batirán récords en los próximos años
elEconomista, 18 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Geert Laporte.
„Neue Partnerschaft“ auf wackeligen Beinen
Österreichischer Rundfunk, 18 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Geert Laporte.
Experts call for new EU approach to security in Africa
AlJazeera, 18 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Lidet Tadesse.
EU und Afrikanische Union versprechen sich Partnerschaft auf Augenhöhe
Deutsche Welle, 18 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Geert Laporte.
EU-AU summit: New commitments, old realities
Africanews, 18 February. Interview with ECDPM’s San Bilal.
Nieuws en actua
VRT, 18 February. Interview with ECDPM’s Geert Laporte.
‘Vaccines, weapons, money’ — what to expect from EU-AU Summit in Brussels?
The Cable, 17 February. Reference to ECDPM’s work.
EU-Afrika-Gipfel: Frankreich zieht Truppen aus Mali ab
Ö1, 17 February. Interview with ECDPM’s Geert Laporte.
Meno annunci, più vaccini: i leader africani si sono stancati delle «promesse» Ue
Il Sole 24 Ore, 17 February. Quotes ECDPM’s San Bilal.
L’Europe tente une offensive de charme pour l’Afrique
La Libre Belgique, 17 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Anna Knoll and Geert Laporte.
Viele Versprechen, wenig Vertrauen
Tagesschau, 17 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Lidet Tadesse.
Europe seeks to reboot relationship with Africa
Financial Times, 17 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Lidet Tadesse and Geert Laporte.
What to expect at the 6th EU-AU Summit
AlJazeera, 17 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Lidet Tadesse
Sommet UA/UE: « le défi de ce sommet, c’est de savoir si les deux côtés vont négocier d’égal à égal »
Benin Web TV, 16 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Geert Laporte.
Sommet UE-UA: «Il y a un scepticisme du côté des pays africains»
Radio France Internationale, 16 February. Interview with ECDPM’s Geert Laporte
AfricaLink on Air
Deutsche Welle, 16 February. Podcast with ECDPM’s San Bilal
EU scrambles to patch up relations at Africa summit
POLITICO, 16 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Lidet Tadesse.
EU vill knyta Afrika närmare – toppmöte i Bryssel
Europortalen, 16 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Kathleen van Hove.
Can EU-Africa rebuild trust?
TRT World, 15 February. Interview with Geert Laporte
Il sesto vertice Unione Europea – Unione Africana: quale direzione?
AffarInternazionali, 15 February. Translated op-ed by ECDPM’s Geert Laporte
Zwischen Partnerschaft und Paternalismus
Österreichischer Rundfunk, 15 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Geert Laporte
The African Union is less effective at 20 than it was at two
The Economist, 12 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Bruce Byiers
EU in whirlwind of Africa dimplocacy. Did it work?
EUobserver, 11 February. Quotes ECDPM’s Alfonso Medinilla
The sixth AU-EU summit: partners in therapy?
EUobserver, 8 February. Op-ed by ECDPM’s Geert Laporte
Nicht auf die Chinesen starren
welt-sichten, 2 February. Reference to ECDPM’s paper by Alfonso Medinilla, Katja Sergejeff and Ennatu Domingo.
Will Africa and Europe finally be on an equal footing?
The Africa Report, 31 January. Quotes ECDPM’s Geert Laporte
„China wird nicht vor Angst erstarren“
welt-sichten, 28 January. Quotes ECDPM's San Bilal and Fabien Tondel.
5 ‘what-ifs’ for international development in 2022
Devex, 4 January. Quotes ECDPM’s Andrew Sheriff