Media mentions 2017
In 2017, interviews and articles appeared in POLITICO, EURACTIV, Jeune Afrique, Forbes Afrique, AllAfrica, Sahel Standard, MO* Mondiaal Nieuws, Radio Bulgaria, Austria’s Radio FM4, Die Presse, Corriere della Sera, NOS, EenVandaag, NRC Handelsblad, De Groene Amsterdammer, Radio France Internationale, RTÉ - Ireland's National Public Service Broadcaster, Canvas, OmVärlden, Times of Malta, Tunis Daily News, Rwanda News Agency, and Zambia Daily Mail – among others.
Come viene usato il Fondo Fiduciario per l’Africa?, 7 December 2017
EU-Afrika-Gipfel: Belebungsversuch für schwierige Beziehungen, 29 November 2017
EU seeks new start with Africa — again
Politico, 29 November 2017
Migration think-tank: Europe is ‘obsessed’ with short-term solution
Euractiv, 28 November 2017
Sommet UA-UE : les grands enjeux
Jeune Afrique, 27 November 2017
L’Afrique est-elle prête à signer des accords de partenariat économique (APE) avec l’Union européenne ?
Forbes Afrique, 10 November 2017
White gold: Potential of dairy in Eastern Africa
CTA, 2 November 2017
Sverige allt mer isolerat i EU – så har positionerna förändrats
OmVärlden, 27 October 2017
#WTO2017: Public forum focuses on ‘trade behind the headlines’, 11 October 2017
Impact of migration on Overseas Development Spending
RTÉ Radio, interview to Anna Knoll (starts at 00:05:40). 24 September 2017
Hackathon dedicato al cibo a Siena, per la conclusione Valeria Fedeli
Gonews, 20 September 2017
Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade
Agence Rwandaise d’Information, 13 September 2017
Report: EU capacity to promote ‘values’ in the developing world declining
Euractiv, 13 September 2017
Anger over looming change to EU regional funds
Pacnews, 5 September 2017
Mittelmeerroute schließen wird nicht reichen
Die Presse, 5 September 2017. This article was also featured in and Salzburg24.
Hoog tijd om komaf te maken met de Afrikaanse hulpverslaving en de Europese hulpindustrie Mondiaal Nieuws, 2 September 2017
Migratieakkoord EU-Afrika: ‘De Afrikanen hebben zich laten rollen door de EU’
Mondiaal Nieuws, 1 September 2017
Un progetto da tre milioni di euro per valorizzare la biodiversità alimentare africana
Corriere della Sera, 27 August 2017
When Policies Speak the Same Language, Africa’s Trade and Investment Will Listen
Inter Press Service, 17 August 2017. This article was also featured in South-South News, Global Issues, AllAfrica and Uncova.
Align agro, trade policies to improve sector
Zambia Daily Mail Limited, 1 August 2017
Addressing the hunger-poverty nexus: What policy coherence means for the 2030 Agenda
Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development (PAEPARD), 31 July 2017
SDG Interview Ewald Wermuth: Leave no one behind
Ewald Wermuth, World Connectors, 14 July 2017
Und nun fleißig Steuern eintreiben!, 4 July 2017
Time to move to an interest-driven Africa-EU political partnership
Geert Laporte, African Union News Today, 27 June 2017
Sostenibilità: ricerca italiana per sviluppo alimentare in Africa Subsahariana
Tiscali, 15 June 2017. This article is also featured in, and adnkronos.
Migration, development debates becoming mixed
Friends of Europe, 9 June 2017
Security lens. Europe’s risky new approach to aid and migration
Development Today, 6 June 2017
Accord UE/ACP – Les ACP célèbrent leur 42è anniversaire à Bruxelles
AllAfrica, 6 June 2017
The ACP Celebrates 42nd Birthday and Reflects on the Future
InDepthNews, 3 June 2017
Tunisia’s Decentralization Process at a Crossroad
Tunis Daily News, 20 May 2017. This blog was originally published by Carnegie.
A new era of relations
Errol Humphrey, Nation News, 10 May 2017. This article is also featured in PACNEWS.
Industrialization Key to Contemporary Africa
AllAfrica, 26 April 2017. This article is also featured in Ethiopia News and
Merkel’s ‘man in Africa’ downbeat on prospects for Africa-EU summit
Geert Laporte, EurActiv, 12 April 2017
Reddingsoperaties, mensenhandel en gezicht erachter: verhaal van 16-jarige Mamadou
ECDPM,, 27 March 2017
EU-Tunisia Cooperation on Migration: Conflicting Agendas?
Tasnim Abderrahim and Anna Knoll, Sahel Standard, 20 March 2017
Focus to reducing migration from Libya could ‘destabilise country’
ECDPM and Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime, Times of Malta, 18 March 2017
Analysis: The EU’s Migration Cooperation With North Africa: Will The ‘Carrot and Stick’ Approach Work?
Tasnim Abderrahim and Anna Knoll, Sahel Standard, 13 March 2017
Герт Лапорт: Трябва да поемем риска “Европа на няколко скорости”
Geert Laporte, Radio Bulgaria, 4 March 2017
Ja, din skat er et kvinderspørgsmål
Luckystar Miyandazi, ActionAid Denmark, pp. 32-35, 1 March 2017
New report warns on ‘creative accounting’ diverting aid to housing refugees within EU
Euractiv, 6 February 2017
Migrationsfokus överskuggar fattigdomsbekämpning inom biståndet
Anna Knoll and Andrew Sherriff,, 2 February 2017
Komt er na Turkije ook een Libië-deal?
Interview with Anna Knoll, EenVandaag, 2 February 2017
Migration: New Study Shows Strain on Devt. Assistance
Sahel Standard, 1 February 2017
De dodelijkste grens ter wereld: De EU-Afrika-vluchtelingendeals
Anna Knoll, De Groene Amsterdammer, 19 January 2017