Thematic global evaluation of European Commission support to decentralisation processes

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    ECDPM was part of the Particip consortium which carried out this evaluation for the European Commission, February 2012.


    The Evaluation assesses the European Commission support to decentralisation processes worldwide over the period 2000-2009. During this period budget allocations rose from nil to 100 million EUR per year, 74% being implemented in Africa. Over this period the EU has developed a Policy framework in order to respond to the demand from partner countries and the emergency of local authorities as actors in development. EU support has been most effective at relative early stages of reform, in strengthening local governments' management and administrative capacities, in promoting greater transparency in fund allocations from central to local level and in improving access to service delivery.

    Subject of the evaluation

    This evaluation assesses the European Commission support to Decentralisation processes over the period 2000-2009, namely its policy framework, its institutional capacities, the alignment to the national context and its programmes that aim to enhance local governance and improve service delivery.


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