Food and nutrition security: inclusive partnerships – Volume 4, Issue 2 (February/March 2015)

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    This special issue of GREAT insights covers partnerships for food and nutrition security. It looks at the latest developments in Africa and within the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), the evolving global context, and the role of the private sector in ensuring such partnerships are really inclusive.

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    Dr. San Bilal - Head of Economic Transformation Programme, ECDPM, and Francesco Rampa (Guest Editor), Head of Food Security Programme, ECDPM
    The role of agriculture is key for sustainable development, well-being and structural transformation. But it cannot be addressed in isolation: a more holistic approach is needed. Improving food and nutrition security worldwide, and in particular transforming agriculture in Africa, requires not only more effective and consistent policies and investments, but also the scaling up of inclusive multi-stakeholder partnerships, within as well as across sectors and thematic areas.

    The African context
    Charting the way for a new decade of CAADP
    Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, CEO, NEPAD
    The Malabo Declaration by the African Union Heads of State goes beyond simply calling for increased investment in agricultural production and seeks to promote a more inclusive and holistic approach to transforming African agriculture. Efforts to implement the Malabo Declaration therefore need to address the broader economic policy environment for African agriculture.

    COMESA fully behind CAADP Vision 2015
    Sindiso Ngwenya, Secretary-General, COMESA
    The Malabo Declaration implementation strategy and roadmap is a key guiding document for realising the 2025 Vision on CAADP. The participation of all key stakeholders, not least of all Africa’s regional economic communities, will be crucial to ensuring its successful implementation.

    Bringing CAADP to the Regions
    Sean Woolfrey, Policy Officer Food Security and Economic Transformation and Trade Programmes, ECDPM
    There is much that can be and is being done at the regional level to support CAADP implementation and to promote sustainable agricultural development in Africa. Nevertheless, the regional CAADP implementation agenda faces notable challenges.

    The global context
    Family Farming: Feeding the World
    Auxtin Ortiz, Director General, World Rural Forum
    Almost half of the world’s households depend on family farming for their livelihood. The International Year of Family Farming 2014 had great success in increasing the awareness of this key agricultural approach that provides over 70% of world food production.

    Partnerships are Essential for Ending Malnutrition
    Lawrence Haddad, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute
    Malnutrition in all its forms has a detrimental affect on society and not all forms are on the decline.

    Making Climate-Smart also People-Smart
    Leisa Perch, Policy Specialist, World Centre for Sustainable Development (RIO+ Centre)
    2015 is the year in which the alliance for sustainable development needs to be inclusive, robust and visionary. In this mix, the role of agriculture is critical to meeting food and nutrition goals as well as those related to poverty, health, education, biodiversity, water, energy and economic growth. Gender and climate change are two conditioning factors likely to shape agricultural futures and in these intertwined discourses, (in)equality shapes the art of the possible.

    Bringing in the private sector
    European Farmers and African Food Security
    Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development
    The agricultural sector is key to addressing food security and 2015 will be a crucial year for its development.

    From Investment Principles to Action
    Ambassador Gerda Verburg, Chair of the Committee on World Food Security
    Investing in agriculture remains the best opportunity to reduce hunger and malnutrition among the 1.5 to 2 billion people worldwide living in poverty. We need to change the way we think about investment in agriculture and food systems to ensure that it benefits those who need it most.

    Turning Agricultural Policy into Food Policy
    Fokko Wientjes, Vice President of Sustainability & Public Private Partnerships, DSM
    DSM is a global science-based company active in health, nutrition and materials. One of its key focuses is to deliver innovative solutions that nourish, protect and improve performance in food and dietary supplements. Here ECDPM speaks to the Vice President of Sustainability & Public Private Partnerships at DSM.

    Partnering for Better Quality Coffee
    Amos Kasigi, CEO, Edge Trading Uganda Ltd.
    While Uganda is one of the world’s largest producers of coffee, the local industry has faced challenges in ensuring the quality of the coffee it produces. Partnerships involving producers and local traders offer one way to address this challenge to the development of a thriving and globally competitive industry.

    Smallholders Need a Seat at the Table too
    Shivani Reddy, Policy Manager, Fairtrade Foundation
    For agricultural public-private partnerships to be effective, we need another ‘P’ - the participation of smallholders themselves. Without this, genuine opportunities to transform lives and tackle food insecurity may be lost.

    Regulars Food Security in Infographics

    Talking Points Blog Highlights 

    In addition to structural support by ECDPM’s institutional partners The Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and Austria. 

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